How to Define Purpose, Calling, and Giftings in Christianity
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is? Most times, it seems as if everyone else knows where they’re headed and how to get there except you, right?!
How about your calling or giftings? These, too, feel ambiguous and can often weigh heavy on our hearts as we seek to align our lives with God’s plan.
In this blog post, we will delve into these topics and discover how to discern what God is asking us to do and how to live it out.
So, let’s dive in and explore the journey towards understanding our purpose, calling, and giftings.
Getting Clear on Our Purpose
Understanding our purpose is foundational to discovering our calling and giftings.
As image bearers of God, we are created with a divine purpose to reflect His glory throughout the world.
We also know we are His masterpiece, intricately designed for a specific reason (which is the part where we tend to get tripped up because we’re looking for that ONE specific thing!).
But here’s the thing: there is no specific thing other than glorifying Him.
Culturally, we’re conditioned to applaud our strengths and hide/shame our weaknesses, all for the end result of knowing what to do with our WHOLE lives.
In other words: how are you going to exchange your strengths for a paycheck!
But this way of thinking and living is outside the realm of Kingdom living.
Working to provide for ourselves or our family isn’t a means to an end, it’s just another rung on the ladder of tools we have at our disposal to display His holiness throughout.
God’s Purpose for Our Lives as Image Bearers
In Genesis 1:27, we read, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
This verse reminds us that our purpose is rooted in reflecting God’s image.
Let me say that again: our purpose=displaying His face, kindness, justice, radiance, steadfastness, consistency, love, endurance, grace, etc.
Your purpose for the Kingdom must be untangled from the purpose of the world (i.e. ditch the “what am I doing with my life” lie from the enemy and start displaying Him from right where you are).
As we learn to embrace this truth, we can live intentionally, knowing that our every thought, word, and action is an opportunity to display God’s character and bring glory to His name.
How Do We Know What Our Calling Is, and Can It Change?
Now that we’re clear on our purpose, let’s add a layer: what on earth is our calling?
Discovering our calling can be a lifelong process, and it’s not always clear-cut.
However, by examining our past and present seasons, we can gain clarity on our present calling.
Our experiences, passions, and the doors God opens for us can provide valuable insights into the direction He wants us to take.
Using Our Seasons Past and Present to Make Clear the Present
Reflecting on the seasons of our lives allows us to discern patterns, themes, and areas where God has worked in and through us.
By examining the past, we can identify the ways in which God has shaped our calling and prepare ourselves for present opportunities.
For example: if your past was layered with deep family brokenness, generational sins, or toxic behaviors, through the Spirit, you may have an unusual knack for empathy, listening, and being peaceable in chaos.
Shop With Purpose
You might find yourself plopped in relationships, friendships, or jobs where you can readily use these skills.
Your purpose would be to reflect God’s face as you empathize with the grieving person in front of you. Your calling would be to honor Him by using the abilities of your demeanor, attentiveness, and compassion
Our previous seasons serve as stepping stones toward our current calling.
How Does Tracking Our Traits Help Us Aim with Clarity?
Another way to gain clarity on our calling is by tracking our traits.
Our personality, strengths, and talents are gifts from God that equip us to fulfill our purpose.
By recognizing and nurturing these traits, we can align ourselves with the tasks and roles that best utilize our unique qualities.
Tracking our traits allows us to aim with clarity and be effective in the areas God has designed us to serve.
Spirit Check: What is your purpose for the Kingdom?
How to Identify Our Spiritual Gifts
Alongside our purpose and calling, God has bestowed upon us spiritual gifts.
These gifts are given to us by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body of Christ.
Scripture provides guidance in identifying and understanding our spiritual gifts. Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, and Ephesians 4:11-13 offer insights into various gifts such as prophecy, teaching, leadership, and more.
Do We Need to Possess All Giftings to Glorify God?
Just as the human body has many parts with distinct functions, so too does the body of Christ.
Each of us is uniquely gifted to fulfill our role in the kingdom of God. Instead of comparing or coveting others’ giftings, we should celebrate our differences and recognize that staying in our lane allows for a more harmonious and effective body!
God Strengthens and Develops Our Giftings Over Time
As we walk in obedience to our calling, God continues to strengthen and develop our giftings.
While our callings may change throughout life’s seasons, our giftings remain present, even if they are dormant while taking root.
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God uses these giftings to equip us for His work, molding and refining us as we journey on the path He has set before us.
Our Giftings Will Always Serve to Edify the Whole
No matter what our spiritual gift(s) may be, they are intended to serve the whole body of Christ.
Our gifts are not meant for selfish use but for the edification and well-being of the entire community.
Each gift, when used with humility and love, contributes to the overall flourishing of the body, promoting unity and fulfilling God’s purposes.
How Our Purpose, Calling, and Giftings Fit Together
Our purpose acts as the foundational soil upon which our calling and giftings are built.
We were created in the image of God for His purpose, to reflect His glory throughout the world.
While our calling may change based on circumstances and seasons, our ultimate purpose remains constant.
Our giftings serve as unique tools that nurture and tend the roots of the Kingdom, both sharpening our brothers and sisters, as well as aiding us in our task of commissioning.
By honoring our shared purpose and recognizing the complementary nature of each other’s giftings, we can advance the kingdom of God together, united in our diversity.
Living on Purpose Today
Discovering our purpose, calling, and giftings is a journey that requires patience, reflection, and seeking God’s guidance.
By understanding our purpose as image bearers, examining our seasons, tracking our traits, and identifying our spiritual gifts, we can gain clarity on God’s plan for our lives.
Remember that our purpose, calling, and giftings fit together harmoniously, with each component serving to glorify God and edify the body of Christ. Let us pray that we may honor God with our purpose and align our lives with His divine will.
May we faithfully use our giftings to reflect His glory and advance His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!
Hi, sis, I’m Monet!
An accidental business owner and Founder of Purposed Box. I help women shift their mindset from their brokenness being a liability to the Kingdom, to leveraging it to live on purpose for it—2 Corinthians 1:3-4 style!
I live in Alabama with my best friend and husband, Josh. Together we’re raising two kiddos in a house full of noise, crumbs, and many baskets of clean, but unfolded laundry.