4 Mistakes You’re Making That Are Costing You Quality Rest
I’m not sure why it’s acceptable for us to be worn-out and haggard, but it is.
We live our lives fitting in as much as possible to keep up in our homes, workplaces and communities—all the while costing us quality of rest in our head and heart spaces.
We quickly say “yes” to every opportunity or ask that comes our way, sadly conditioned to report our lives are “good, just busy.”
Just busy.
Y’all, I’m weary of the hustle.
Even more, I find myself living a life that will never get me to that elusive state of rest we all wish to settle into.
But what if I’m missing something that could get me there faster?
Or better yet, what if it’s not the getting to that matters as much of the abiding with?
When My Heart is Overwhelmed, I Can’t Rest
We all define rest differently, so for the sake of being on the same page, I’m defining rest as:
A state of being where strivings cease and peace abounds.
If you’re living your life at a breakneck pace (I’m guilty too), it’s not all our fault:
- Our culture celebrates productivity without an equally matched appreciation for the integrity or sacrifices that produced the outcome that others benefited from.
- We’re expected to be “on”, accessible all hours and capacities of the day.
- Advertisements, influences, curated perceptions have conditioned us to chase what is shiny in exchange for what is holy.
We are a restless people simply because no one is encouraging us to rest more, but to do more with less.
I don’t know about you, but when my heart is overwhelmed to the point of burnout, I can’t rest.
Can you?
4 Mistakes Costing Us Quality Rest
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be diving into each one of these mistakes in detail, and most importantly, what we can do instead.
Here’s what I know to be true for me, and maybe you too:
- We’re unclear on what the Bible says about rest.
- We lack boundaries not knowing what we can actually say “no” to.
- We remain in toxic communities not supportive of true and abiding rest.
- We choose the all-or-nothing approach when it comes to rest.
Scriptures on Rest
As we explore how we can move from chaotic restlessness to steadied peace, we’ll be digging into various scriptures to guide our pivot.
Go ahead, friend, dig into these scriptures by reading them aloud, re-writing them, or having an app read them aloud over you.
Prayer for Rest
Father God, please help us to take off the old way of approaching rest and put on the new. Would you soften our hearts to understand and adapt your ways more than we aim to serve our own motives, or the motives others place on us. We are tired, God—a soul-deep kinda tired. We are asking in faith for a transformation of our ways, that we could better honor you with our days with how we rest in you today. Thank you for not abandoning us to our own selves, but choosing to walk with us because you love us deeply and intimately. Thank you for Jesus who, by his own death and resurrection, continues to make all things new for us! Amen.
Monet is a wife, mom, writer, and entrepreneur, living the messy, unspoken parts of life openly and imperfectly.
With the help of coffee and courage, Monet helps women live purposed and embrace wholeness, despite that pesky thing we call brokenness.
After enduring her own seasons of hardship and loss, Monet launched Purposed Box, a monthly subscription box helping the everyday woman encounter Jesus in her every day!
Monet’s kinda a fan of IG, so follow along with her here.
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